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>> 您的位置 -> 中國建材家居網 -> 建材新聞頻道:OSB板材品牌“KENBAYLINE(康貝萊)”概
所屬:硬裝 -> 地板 瀏覽: 1042 文章來源: 中國建材家居網
摘要:KENBAYLINE(康貝萊)是德國康貝萊集團GERMANY KENBAYLINE GROUP設在歐洲和澳洲的7個工廠所生產的人造板材,全系列采用MDI(二苯基甲烷二異氰酸酯)膠生產而成,環保等級達到

    KENBAYLINE(康貝萊)是德國康貝萊集團GERMANY KENBAYLINE GROUP設在歐洲和澳洲的7個工廠所生產的人造板材,全系列采用MDI(二苯基甲烷二異氰酸酯)膠生產而成,環保等級達到無醛的ENF級。KENBAYLINE(康貝萊)主打產品為三層定向結構刨花板,也叫OSB;和五層定向結構的可飾面刨花板,也叫LSB。

    KENBAYLINE is a man-made board produced by seven GERMANY KENBAYLINE GROUP factories in Europe and Australia. The whole series is made of MDI (diphenyl methane diisocyanate) glue, with environmental protection of formaldehyde-free ENF.KENBAYLINE is a three-layer directional shaving board, also called OSB, and a five-layer directional decorative shaving board, also called LSB。


    KENBAYLINE is selected from poplar wood, pine, Sequoia growing in the cold belt of continental Europe and Ugali and rubber wood in tropical Australia. KENBAYLINE overcomes the shortcomings of natural wood, and has physical properties that are not easy to deformation and stable. KENBAYLINE is a kind of natural wood made by cut, crushed, high temperature and high pressure is more suitable for furniture processing, production and use of the plate.

    KENBAYLINE(康貝萊)源于1965年,前身是約翰·戈特利布·貝萊(Johann Gottlieb Bayline)在德國KOTHEN這個小鎮開設的一個小木材加工企業。由于工藝精湛,經過幾年的發展,貝萊先生的產品已經在附近的紐倫堡和慕尼黑等地方家喻戶曉,而當地人都喜歡把這個來自KOTHEN小鎮的產品,稱呼為“KENBAYLINE Woodware”。 1993年,康貝萊與University of Hohenheim (霍恩海姆大學)及RWTH Aachen (亞琛工業大學)合作研發并在三年后項目成功落地,從此以后,世界多了一個優質的KENBAYLINE 歐松板產品。

    KENBAYLINE originated in 1965, formerly a small timber processing enterprise opened by Johann Gottlieb Bayline in the town of KOTHEN, Germany.With plenty of craftsmanship, after several years, Mr.BAYLINE’s products have become well known in places such as nearby Nuremberg and Munich, while locals like to call the product from the small town of KOTHEN, "KENBAYLINE Woodware "。In 1993, KENBAYLINE developed with University of Hohenheim and RWTH Aachen and launched the project three years later. Since then, the world has added a high-quality KENBAYLINE shaving board product.


    The original KENBAYINE OSB timber came from Bavaria, known as the "forest champion", which has a forest area of 2.6 million hectares.Current sources of raw materials involve all of Europe, Australia, and Russia.As a global factory, KENBAYLINE has been strictly enforcing ISO9001, ISO14000, and EN29001 quality certification plate manufacturers, and is one of the most popular plate manufacturers in the world.All KENBAYLINE products are strictly tested and inspected in accordance with the international prevailing DIN standards, and there are strict monitoring measures throughout the production process. All KENBAYLINE products are determined by special international institutions, far exceeding the international environmental protection standards to reach the ENF level without formaldehyde.The complete quality assurance system ensures good KENBAYLINE OSB quality: excellent static strength, mirror leveling and fixed water resistance.

    最早出現在中國市場的KENBAYLINE OSB,都是通過一些進出口貿易商把該產品帶到香港,再輻射到珠三角地區。隨著中國市場規模越來越大,KENBAYLINE集團在2020年開始布局中國市場。通過全進口OSB、本土化生產及輸送木材資源、技術和先進設備等三條路徑來滿足中國日趨增長的需求?地惾ROSB之所以對開拓中國市場信心滿滿,是因為其具有以下六大優勢:

    The KENBAYLINE OSB, which first appeared in the Chinese market, all brought the product to Hong Kong through some import and export traders, and then radiated to the Pearl River Delta region.As the Chinese market grew larger, KENBAYLINE Group began to layout the Chinese market in 2020.Through the full import of OSB, local production and to deliver wood resources, technology and advanced equipment.KENBAYLINE OSB is confident in developing the Chinese market because it has the following six advantages:



    1、Raw material advantage

    Natural forest farm, KENBAYLINE has the largest wood reserves in Europe, Australia and Russia, logs without scarring, large strength, stable quality, uniform and pure color, providing a steady stream of first-class raw materials for production.



    2. Equipment advantages

    Using the Canadian KADANT long material planer, the German company DIEFFENBACHER industrial system 4.0 made of equipment, the Italian CMC super screening system and other world-class equipment.



    3. Environmental protection advantages

    Use MDI formaldehyde-free adhesive, cured at high temperature, stable composition, excluding formaldehyde, benzene, phenols, heavy metals and other harmful substances, environmental protection without odor.

    4、 加工性能優勢


    4. Processing performance advantages

    Product structure is stable, waterproof and moisture-proof, weight-bearing deformation, strong nail grip strength, small expansion coefficient, etc., superior processing performance, can be used for saw, sand, plane, drilling, nail, file and other processing methods.



    5. Research and development advantages

    Build a national laboratory, equipped with the most advanced testing instruments, scientific and rigorous research and development from the whole industrial chain of raw material application, equipment technology, product development and manufacturing.



    6. Structural advantages

    In the production, no separation to destroy wood fiber, adjacent planes staggered with each other, not only retain the natural advantages of wood, but also eliminate wood anisotropy, low transverse strength, easy to crack, bending and other defects.


    We are KENBAYLINE, a steadily growing, globally growing manufacturer of quality plates.The idea that building sustainable forestry is a top priority for the KENBAYLINE is also deeply rooted in our mission statement.We provide quality panels through our headquarters in Europe around the world, allowing consumers all around the world to share our research results.

添加人:本站提供  發布時間:2021/11/22 12:43:25
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